Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Shane! Come back!"

#45: Shane

Watched on February 25, 2011
Released 1953

Fun Fact: In the funeral scene, the dog consistently refused to look into the grave. Finally, director George Stevens had the dog's trainer lie down in the bottom of the grave, and the dog played his part ably.

 Rob's Thoughts: I remember reading the book and watching the movie in school, but did not remember the annoying boy.  I did enjoy the movie, but the boy, played by Brandon De Wilde, had this annoying voice that could cut through your ear drum.  Anyways, I liked the movie when I was younger, and I still like it to this day.  Alan Ladd played Shane very well and the movie still has one of the most memorable last scenes in film history.  Even if you don't get a chance to watch the movie, try reading the book.

Whit's Thoughts: I'm quickly learning that Westerns are not my favorite genre. While this movie had one scene that has made its way into pop culture references, I think that may have been the only scene worth seeing. I didn't feel like the relationships (between Shane and the boy and between Shane and the wife) were very well developed. Thus the famous final scene was not as dramatic as it could have been. But, I will say - Alan Ladd was quite handsome, even by today's standards.

"So, we'll go to that farm tomorrow. But please, Stingo, don't talk about marriage and children."

#91: Sophie's Choice

Watched on February 20, 2011
Released in 1982

Fun Fact: Meryl Streep not only learned a Polish accent but also learned how to speak German and Polish in order to have the proper accent of a Polish refugee.

Rob's Thoughts:  Out of the 10 movies that have been watched so far, this actually has to be my least favorite.  The movie for me was slow, but the acting did make up for that.  Meryl Streep was amazing as the title character and Kevin Kline as her Holocaust-obsessed lover played the part very well (this role being one of his first in a movie).  Overall, it was a good movie, but I felt that it kept dragging on.

Whit's Thoughts: For the most part, I liked this movie. It was a little predictable, but Meryl Streep was fantastic! And Kevin Kline was haunting, as you don't know till the middle-end of the movie what his backstory is. I had always wondered what this movie was about and what Sophie's choice really was. So, I have to say - I'm glad I was finally able to watch it and learn that Sophie really did have to make a very difficult choice.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."

#38: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Watched on February 11, 2011
Released in 1948

Fun Fact: Walter Huston, father of director John Huston, won the Oscar for best supporting actor.  John won for best director.  This was the first father/son win.

Rob's Thoughts: I had never heard of this movie until I saw the Top 100 list.  I didn't know what the movie would be about and didn't know Humphrey Bogart was in it.  I honestly have to say that this movie was outstanding.  The acting by the main characters was amazing, especially Bogart.  His portrayal of a man suffering from greed was flawless.  There were some slow parts in the movie, but overall, it had a very good tempo.

Whit's Thoughts: For me, this movie was ok. It was a basic movie about three gold diggers who set off to make their fortune as friends. The more they find, the greedier they become, with Bogart's character subcoming to the greed more so than his companions. I did enjoy Tim Holt's character, Curtin. All in all, the movie portrayed a timeless plot - what happens when greed takes over friendship.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"I wonder if you wonder"

#29: Double Indemnity

Watched on February 5, 2011
Released in 1944

Fun Fact: In the first scene in which unwed Walter first kisses Phyllis, we see a wedding ring on his hand. Fred MacMurray was married and the ring was not noticed until post-production.

Rob's Thoughts: The second movie by Billy Wilder that was on the list (first one was Some Like it Hot).  This movie was really good.  The story was well written and the acting by both MacMurray and Stanwyck were great.  Overall, it was a really great thriller and I highly recommend it.

Whit's Thoughts: I liked this movie. Fred MacMurray was an excellent actor. The movie was very straight forward, but had a slight twist at the end. Told in retrospect, the story line was the classic murder for romance and proved that even the best can't get away with murder.

"May The Force Be With You"

#13: Star Wars

Watched on February 2, 2011
Released in 1977

Fun Fact: Chewbacca was modeled after George Lucas's dog, Indiana.

Rob's Thoughts: One of my all-time favorite movies.  I always enjoy watching it and it never gets old.  The only complaint I have about this movie is Luke.  His whining got on my nerves, but I'm glad he was not like that in the next 2 movies.  If you have not seen this movie, you have been hiding under a rock.  :)

Whit's Thoughts: I've never been a fan of this movie. I don't know if it is the story that I don't like or if it is as simple as it isn't my genre. But nevertheless, I'm not a fan. And watching it for this project didn't change much -- I fell asleep. Twice. That being said, my thoughts are going to focus more on WHY it is on the top 100. Its hard to deny the cultural significance this movie has had. There are conventions, legions of fans, merchandise galore. And, every May 4th, fans across the globe wish each other Happy Star Wars Day with the phrase "May the fourth be with you". The impact is huge. Additionally, the movie was groundbreaking in the special effects department. It paved the way for many of the movies out today. Taking these aspects into consideration, I appreciate Star Wars. But you won't find me sporting a Storm Troopers uniform anytime soon.

Monday, January 31, 2011

"Kid, the next time I say, "Let's go someplace like Bolivia," let's GO someplace like Bolivia."

#73: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Watched on January 30, 2011
Released in 1969

Fun Fact: The Sundance Film Festival was named for Redford's character in this movie.  Redford was one of the main founders of this festival.

Rob's Thoughts: When the movie opened, I was afraid I wasn't going to like it.  It started off slow and then the awkward "Rain Drops Keeps Falling on my Head" scene came on.  It felt out of place and I was doubting the movie.  Then the flow of the movie changed.  The way Newman and Redford played off of each other was amazing.  Redford was definitely my favorite out of the two. This movie definitely surprised me and so far, probably is my favorite film we have watched so far.

Whit's Thoughts: I initially thought I wasn't going to like this movie. Guns, the Wild West, bank robbers, saloons, and horses generally aren't my cup o' tea. I was even more concerned when the opening of the movie was shot in sepia tone and I thought that was the way the whole movie was going to be! But, thankfully, full color in all its glory filled our TV screen and the guns and horses took a back seat to Newman and Redford's comical, joshing exchanges. I caught myself laughing at several parts, including the scene for "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head" - which was awkward and out of place in the movie (note that this scene is even awkwardly shown on the movie poster above - the black and white drawing of a girl on the handlebars of a bicycle). But Newman and Redford's adventure quickly brought me back into the movie. Ultimately, I enjoyed this movie and would honestly watch it again - knowing that I can take a popcorn break during the "Rain Drops" scene.

"Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again"

#90: Swing Time

Watched on January 28, 2011
Released in 1936

Fun Fact: In the scene with "The Way You Look Tonight", Ginger Rogers is seen to be washing her hair.  The crew tried various soaps, shampoos, and even egg white, but is always ran down her face too quickly.  They achieved success with whip cream.

Rob's Thoughts:  Another great movie musical.  This was my first time seeing an Astaire/Rogers movie, and I really liked it.  Their chemistry and musical/dance numbers were amazing.  The movie had its blend of comedy and romance.  The one scene that stuck out for me was "Bojangles of Harlem".  I loved Astaire's dancing and the ensemble's choreography.  If you have not seen an Astaire/Rogers movie, this one should be on the top of your list.

Whit's Thoughts: I was so excited to watch this movie! I had never seen a Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movie and, when I read that the movie contained one of my favorite songs, "The Way You Look Tonight", I was even more excited. The dancing in the movie was astounding. Flawlessly done and generally in one complete take. I don't know that anyone in Hollywood today could do what these two did. The movie had several comic parts and fun one-liners. However, I felt that the storyline was weak. There wasn't much to it - within the first 20 minutes you pretty much knew what was going to happen. But the dancing and musical numbers were fantastically rich, making up for the loose plot.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you."

#98: Yankee Doodle Dandy

Watched on January 25, 2011
Released in 1942

Fun Fact: George M. Cohan chose James Cagney to play him.

Rob's Thoughts: I honestly liked this movie.  James Cagney was very entertaining as George Cohan and his singing/dancing was flawless.  Also, it had been a while since I had heard "Yankee Doodle" and "Grand Old Flag, so it was great to hear those tunes.  If you are a fan of musical movies, I would recommend this classic.

Whit's Thoughts: When we sat down to watch this movie, I turned to Rob during the opening credits and asked, "What is this movie about again?". We immediately paused the movie and did a quick Google search on it. I had no idea it was based on a true story and I had no idea who George Cohan was. So, with that in mind, we continued watching. I can honestly say this movie has everything in it - drama, comedy, music, dancing...and a fairly interesting story line! I was amazed to learn about the songs George Cohan introduced into our culture, the impact he had on Broadway, and that he was he was the first person in an artistic field to receive the Congressional Gold Medal. Ultimately, I enjoyed this movie. Even though I am still humming "Yankee Doodle". 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Well, nobody's perfect."

#22: Some Like it Hot

Watched on January 7, 2011
Released in 1959

Fun Fact: When Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis first put on the female make-up and costumes, they walked around the Goldwyn Studios lot to see if they could "pass" as women. Then they tried using mirrors in public ladies rooms to fix their makeup, and when none of the women using it complained, they knew they could be convincing as women. There is a scene on the train recreating this moment. 

Rob's Thoughts: Now I understand the whole appeal for Marilyn Monroe.  I know she was very beautiful, but she could act!  Her chemistry with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon was amazing.  Overall, the movie's plot was clever and watching Lemmon and Curtis dress as women were very funny.  I highly recommend this movie.

Whit's Thoughts: This was definitely a movie before it's time! Who would have thought that, in 1959, a film about cross dressers would have won an Oscar. But it did and rightfully so. Monroe was stunningly beautiful and witty. Lemmon and Curtis were fantastically convincing and funny - from their costumes, to their acting and the delivery of their lines. "Some Like It Hot" is a film that is just as relevant and humorous today as it was in 1959.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"We're going to California, ain't we? All right then let's go to California."

#23: The Grapes of Wrath

Watched on January 2, 2011
Released in 1940

Fun Fact: Henry Fonda kept the hat he wore in the movie for the rest of his life, until he passed away in 1982.

Rob's Thoughts: Overall, I thought it was a good movie.  I thought the acting by Henry Fonda was great. I always liked the novel and story, but seeing it on the big screen, it was alright.  I would still recommend it because it does show the hardship that America went through during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.

Whit's Thoughts: I was excited about watching this movie. I had read the book in high school and remember the story and Steinbeck's writing leaving an impression on me. However, I felt that the movie was a little disappointing. It seemed slow and I don't know that it captured what I had envisioned in my mind when I first read the book. What it did do was portray, in pictures, the hardships that families had to endure during that dark time in America's history - death, hunger, and loss. And, that, leaves its own impression.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"

#28: All About Eve

Watched on January 1, 2011
Released in 1951

Fun Fact: It is the only movie in history to receive 4 female acting nominations (2 for best actress and 2 for best supporting actress).

Rob's Thoughts:  When the movie started, I didn't know if I would like it or not.  Anne Baxter's character, she was kind of "looney", but I honestly really liked the movie.  With Bette Davis in it, you cannot go wrong.  She is one of the best actresses of all time and she is great in this film.  I would recommend this film if you are looking for a straight-forward story with GREAT acting.  Plus, there is a cameo by Marilyn Monroe.

Whit's Thoughts: I loved this movie. Bette Davis was phenomenal as the strong-willed diva. And Eve's character was incredibly dynamic - I wasn't sure if I hated her or if I just felt sorry for her. The movie had all of the essential plot elements: romance, deceit, humor, and drama. I found myself reading various quotes from the movie just to remember the scenes. 

The Plan

Welcome to our blog! Before we start talking about our thoughts on the movies, we felt it was best to have a plan  of action. In order to achieve our goal of 100 movies in 365 days or 52 weeks, we figure we will need to watch two movies every single week. We will be using a system to randomly select what movies we will watch and when we watch them. We hope to have a "movie timeline" of some sort on here in the next couple of days.
For the most part, we'll be using Netflix as our movie provider, although we do own some of the movies in the list.
Want to join us in this adventure? We are planning on having a movie viewing party every once in a while. We'll be sure to let you know when it is!
I think that is pretty much everything!
So grab your popcorn and join us for a year at the movies!